We can only investigate certain types of concerns about councillors, council staff or council elections. What we can and can't investigate is set out in law.
Sometimes, other agencies or authorities may be able to help with your concern or complaint. The list below is not comprehensive and these organisations may need to refer your matter elsewhere if they can't assist.
Where to go if we can't help
Council servicesIf you have a complaint about a council service, try to solve it with your council first. Your council has a complaints process you can use. | Find your local council |
Police or public sector misconductFor complaints about corruption and misconduct in the public sector and Victoria Police, including:
| Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) |
Decisions made by a council, government departments and agencies, including:
| Victorian Ombudsman |
Traffic fines(including speeding and red light offences and toll charges) | Request an internal review from State Government of Victoria |
Legal services(including lawyers) | Legal Services Commissioner |
Health services | Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission |
Privacy concernsabout how Victorian Government collects and uses information | Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner |
Court decisions | The Chief Justice of the relevant court |
Integrity systemincluding complaints about:
| Integrity Oversight Victoria |
Members of Parliament | For concerns or questions about parliamentary conduct, contact Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission For issues about corruption or misconduct: IBAC For issues about policy, contact the party of the MP For issues about behaviour, email the speaker of the Legislative Assembly speaker@parliament.vic.gov.au Or the president of the Legislative Council president@parliament.vic.gov.au |
Building or construction companies | Planning or building permit issues: contact your local council. To help resolve disputes between buildings and homeowners: Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria For safety concerns: WorkSafe |