Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, you have the legal right (subject to some exceptions) to see documents we hold and get copies of those documents. In accordance with the FOI Act, these will be redacted to protect personal information often including names.
You can request access to public data that is subject to FOI and held by the Local Government Inspectorate by emailing inspectorate@lgi.vic.gov.au and outlining the complaint reference number, specific details of what you wish to see and a date range. This is then passed on to the Department of Justice FOI team who will contact you to arrange payment and outline timing expectations.
Additional information about lodging a Freedom of Information request can be found here: Freedom of information | Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria
Also at the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner: FOI resources for individuals – Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
FOIs relating to Councils
If you are requesting access to public data held by a local council, you must lodge this FOI request directly with the council and not with the Local Government Inspectorate.
The Local Government Inspectorate does not have access to council files and cannot assist.
All council websites have details about the FOI process including how to go about lodging an FOI, what is subject to FOI, what is exempt from FOI, and so on.
The current FOI application fee is $32.65 (indexed yearly on 1 July).