Chief Municipal Inspector

The head of the Local Government Inspectorate has the power to investigate breaches and offences under the Local Government Act.

The Chief Municipal Inspector

Michael Stefanovic is the Chief Municipal Inspector (CMI) and head of the Inspectorate.

The CMI’s functions and powers are set out in the Local Government Act 2020 (Act) and include:

  • investigating council operations
  • helping with oversight of council elections
  • prosecuting anyone in breach of the Act.

The CMI can delegate functions and powers to our Inspectors of Municipal Administration, including the ability to:

  • investigate and prosecute any possible offences under the Act
  • examine any possible breaches of the Act
  • investigate any allegations of misconduct, serious misconduct and gross misconduct by a councillor
  • apply to a Councillor Conduct Panel to make a finding of serious misconduct against a councillor
  • make an application to VCAT for a finding of gross misconduct by a councillor.

The CMI reports to the Attorney General (with respect to powers derived from the Act) and provides reports and recommendations to councils and government.

About Michael

Michael Stefanovic is the Chief Municipal Inspector.

Mr Stefanovic has over 35 years of experience undertaking complex investigations in high-risk environments both within Australia and abroad.

Michael has led teams specialising in fraud, corruption and misconduct investigations with the World Bank in Washington DC. He also served as the Director of the Investigations Division at the United Nations in New York.

Michael started his career in Victoria Police and served for 14 years in various roles, attaining the rank of sergeant. He has lectured at the NSW Police College and was Director of Investigations for the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants.

His experience extends to post-conflict environments, having served as a United Nations war crimes investigator in The Hague, Chief Resident Investigator in UN peacekeeping missions and a member of specialist teams engaged by the US State Department to investigate crimes against humanity in Myanmar (2018) and Darfur (2004).

Michael is a sessional member of the Victorian Police Registration and Service Board. He holds an Associate Diploma in Police Studies, a Bachelor of Arts – Police Studies, a Graduate Diploma in Organisational Behaviour, a Master of Arts – Police Studies and a Master of Laws – International Criminal Law.

Man in suit stands behind a lectern with a screen behind him
Michael Stefanovic addresses delegates at the Australian Local Government Women's Association Victorian Branch conference

Our people and structure

Michael leads a team of Inspectors of Municipal Administration and operations staff. The roles and powers of the Chief Municipal Inspector and Inspectors of Municipal Administration are set out in the Act.
