We are an independent agency responsible for making sure Victorian councils follow the Local Government Act 2020.
We assess and investigate complaints about potential breaches of the Act by councils, councillors and staff, including:
- conflict of interest
- misuse of position
- disclosure of confidential information
- directing council staff
- electoral offences.
What we can and can't investigate is set out by law. You read more about what we can and can't investigate.
Other bodies are also able to investigate complaints about councils and councillors.
For example, the Victorian Ombudsman takes complaints about council services, compliance with policies or actions or decisions which may be unreasonable.
The Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) take complaints about suspected corruption and misconduct, including taking or offering bribes, committing fraud or theft and misusing information.
You can read more about other agencies who may be able to help you with your complaint when we can't.
The Chief Municipal Inspector
The head of the Inspectorate is Chief Municipal Inspector Michael Stefanovic. Find out more about Michael, his role and the powers available to him.
Make a complaint
If you have a concern about a local councillor, council staff member or election matter, you can:
- lodge an online complaint
- contact our complaints hotline on 1800 469 359
We can only take complaints we have the authority to investigate.
Freedom of Information request
You can request access to public data held by the Inspectorate. Find out how to make a request on our Freedom of Information page.
Policies and registers
Our public policies and registers, including our witness welfare policy and gifts register, are available on our policies and registers page.
Contact us
Level 27, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Complaints and enquiries line
1800 469 359
TTY users
133 677