Feedback survey on LGI newsletter and website

We publish a quarterly newsletter, local government integrity matters, and add new information to our website on a regular basis.

Getting feedback on our communications from the local government sector and our audience is important to us. It helps us understand what people want to read about our work, topics of interest to the sector and answer questions that haven't been answered by the information we currently publish.

User feedback

Where do you get information about our work(Required)
Do you know what we do and how we're different from other Victorian integrity agencies like IBAC or the Victorian Ombudsman?(Required)
If you have any feedback or suggestions for our newsletter, website or other communication channels, please let us know. 
If you want us to get in touch with you about any comments you have made, please provide your details below

The Local Government Inspectorate (Inspectorate) collects the information that you provide with this form. The information that you provide is used to improve our communication channels. You can request access to, and corrections of, any personal information provided in this form. Requests for access or correction should be sent to

The Inspectorate is using the services of Drupal 9 to administer this form. The information that you provide is stored in our Drupal 9 content management system and Microsoft Azure servers.

For more information on the Inspectorate's handling of any personal information, please refer to the Inspectorate's Privacy Statement(opens in a new window).

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